IMG_7266Jailolo is situated in West Halmahera, approximately 35 minutes by speedboat from Ternate IDR. 50.000 ($5), then to go to nearest hotel you could choose “bentor” a modified motorcycle taxi or just motorcycle taxi. I recommend you to choose “bentor” if you carry much stuff.  I always travel to this place once for two months, because I have family in Sahu (it is a district in West Halmahera). Jailolo or Gilolo is one of sultanate kingdom in North Maluku. Now the sultanate’s tradition does not influence much in community life in West Halmahera.

Durian Seasion in JailoloI called Jailolo as agro-tourism destination due to its fruit season about November to March. From Ibu district until Sahu it is easy to find various kinds of local fruits in this season such as : durian, salak, rambutans, ect. Much of fruits sell in traditional markets in North Maluku province are from this area. If you come in Jailolo, Sahu or Ibu in this season don’t forget to try these local fruits.